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Ungkapan Syukur Kami

Our Blessed
Give Thanks by KAUM Children's Choir Final Version
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Doa kami anak Mentawai


Kami senantiasa bersuka cita dalam keseharian , bersyukur atas kebersamaan yang dapat kami rasakan tiap saat di Panti Asuhan, di Asrama.

We are forever joyful in our days and beyond grateful for the togetherness that is felt in every single second spent at our Foster Home and Dorm.

Kami  berterimakasih atas kesempatan untuk mendapatkan pendidikan di sekolah dan berbagai ketrampilan tepat guna .

We are thankful for the chance to get to study in school and learn lots of things.

Kami juga punya cita-cita ingin mencapai pendidikan lanjutan yang dapat menjadi landasan dan bekal untuk dapat mengabdikan tenaga dan pikiran demi memajukan tanah kelahiran kami.

We also have dreams to continue our studies to the next level that will be our solid foundation and equipments to be able to do great things for our country.

Kami juga ingin bersaksi tentang bagaimana Tuhan selalu menyertai, memberkati, dan mencintai kami ditengah keterbatasan yang kami miliki terlebih di masa Pandemi.

We also want to be the Lord’s living witnesses as to how His guidance is always with us, blessing us, and moreover loving us despite all the limitations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic situation.

Kami berharap agar Panti, Sekolah dan Asrama kami semakin baik dan bertambah luas, supaya dapat menampung lebih banyak saudara-saudara yang membutuhkan dukungan.

We hope that our home, school, and dorm will all get better and larger to be able to help others in need.

Kami yakin tangan-tangan terulur selalu Tuhan sediakan untuk pelihara kami melalui berbagai upaya yang dilakukan oleh Yayasan KAUM didukung oleh Yayasan Penabur, Gereja-gereja , donatur perorangan maupun perusahaan.

We are sure that the Lord is always sending people to help take care of us through the KAUM Foundation, Churches , and both private & corporate donations.

Terimakasih Tuhan, amin

Thankyou Jesus, Amin

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Kegiatan kami

Our Activity
Our Product

Our Product

SMA Setia Plus

SMA Setia Plus



Our Foster Home

Our Foster Home

Harvest Time

Harvest Time



Cow feeding time

Cow feeding time

Cucumber from garden

Cucumber from garden

Diamond Painting for sale

Diamond Painting for sale

Farming Chicken

Farming Chicken



Long Beans harvest

Long Beans harvest

Carpentry Practice

Carpentry Practice



Online Study

Online Study



Water Source Drilling

Water Source Drilling



Tentang Yayasan KAUM

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